Submissions from 2019
IDSC Opinion - Homeland Determination, Justice John Stegner
Submissions from 2018
IDSC Hecla Response to CDAT Appeal, Albert P. Barker and David L. Negri
IDSC Hecla Response to USA Appeal, Albert P. Barker and David L. Negri
IDSC CDAT Opening Brief, Vanessa L. Ray-Hodge and Eric Van Orden
IDSC CDAT Response to Idaho's Appeal, Vanessa L. Ray-Hodge and Eric Van Orden
IDSC CDAT Response to NIWRG Appeal, Vanessa L. Ray-Hodge and Eric Van Orden
IDSC Reply Brief CDAT, Vanessa L. Ray-Hodge and Eric Van Orden
IDSC NIWRG Opening Brief, Norman M. Semanko
IDSC NIWRG Response to CDAT Appeal, Norman M. Semanko
IDSC NIWRG Response to USA Appeal, Norman M. Semanko
IDSC Reply Brief NIWRG, Norman M. Semanko
IDSC Idaho Opening Brief, Steven W. Strack
IDSC Idaho Response to CDAT Appeal, Steven W. Strack
IDSC Idaho Response to USA Appeal, Steven W. Strack
IDSC Reply Brief Idaho, Steven W. Strack
IDSC Reply Brief USA, Jeffrey H. Wood, David L. Negri, and Erika B. Kranz
IDSC USA Opening Brief, Jeffrey H. Wood, David L. Negri, and Erika B. Kranz
IDSC USA Response to Idahos Appeal, Jeffrey H. Wood, David L. Negri, and Erika B. Kranz
IDSC USA Response to NIWRGs Appeal, Jeffrey H. Wood, David L. Negri, and Erika B. Kranz
Submissions from 2017
Hecla's Memo in Opposition to USA-CADT Mtn to Alter or Amend (Gathering), Albert P. Barker
Hecla's Memo in Opposition to USA-CDAT Mtn to Alter or Amend (Fishing), Albert P. Barker
Hecla's Memo in Opposition to USA-CDAT Joint Mtn SJ, Albert P. Barker and Paul L. Arrington
Hecla's Reply Brief, Albert P. Barker and Paul L. Arrington
Errata CDAT's Response Brief, Howard Funke
Notice of Appeal- CDAT, Howard Funke
CDAT's Response to Idaho, Hecla, and NIWRG, Howard A. Funke and Dylan R. Hedden-Nicely
CDAT's Reply Brief to State and other Objectors, Howard Funke and Dylan R. Hedden-Nicely
Joint USA-CDAT Reply Memo in Support Mtn Set Aside and Modify (Fishing), Howard Funke, Jeffrey H. Wood, and Vanessa Boyd Willard
Joint USA-CDAT Reply Memo in Support Mtn Set Aside and Modify (Gathering), Howard Funke, Jeffrey H. Wood, and Vanessa Boyd Willard
Memo in Support Mtn to Set Aside and Modify (Fishing), Howard Funke, Jeffrey H. Wood, and Vanessa Boyd Willard
Memo in Support Mtn to Set Aside and Modify (Gathering), Howard Funke, Jeffrey H. Wood, and Vanessa Boyd Willard
Mtn to Set Aside and Modify, Howard Funke, Jeffrey H. Wood, and Vanessa Boyd Willard
USA-CDAT Joint Memo in Response to Idaho's Mtn to Reconsider, Howard Funke, Jeffrey H. Wood, and Vanessa Boyd Willard
Affidavit of R. Hart (2nd), E. Richard Hart
Affidavit of R. Hart (3rd), E. Richard Hart
Affidavit of CDAT Counsel, Kinzo H. Mihara
Affidavit of CDAT Counsel, Kinzo H. Mihara
Notice of Appeal- NIWRG, Norman M. Semanko
NIWRG's Memo in Opposition to USA-CDAT Joint Mtn SJ, Norman M. Semanko and Aleksandra N. Semanko
NIWRG's Rply Brief, Norman M. Semanko and Aleksandra N. Semanko
Affidavit of S. Strack, Steven W. Strack
Affidavit of S. Strack (3rd), Steven W. Strack
Idaho's Memo in Opposition to the US-CDAT Mtn SJ, Steven W. Strack
Idaho's Memo in Opposition to USA-CDAT Mtn to Alter or Amend (Fishing), Steven W. Strack
Idaho's Memo in Opposition to USA-CDAT Mtn to Alter or Amend (Gathering), Steven W. Strack
Idaho's Mtn for Reconsideration, Steven W. Strack
Idaho's Reply Brief to the USA and CDAT, Steven W. Strack
Idaho's Reply Memo on Reconsideration, Steven W. Strack
Idaho's Statement of Additional Facts, Steven W. Strack
Memo in Support Idaho's Mtn for Reconsideration, Steven W. Strack
Notice of Appeal- Idaho, Steven W. Strack
Affidavit of S. Wee, Stephen R. Wee
Errata Affidavit of S. Wee, Stephen R. Wee
Amended Final Order Disallowing Water Rights, Eric J. Wildman
Final Order Disallowing Purposes, Eric J. Wildman
Final Order Disallowing Water Right Claims, Eric J. Wildman
Order Granting Mtn to Reconsider, Eric J. Wildman
Order on Mtn to Set Aside or Modify, Eric J. Wildman
Affidavit of V. Willard, Vanessa Boyd Willard
Notice of Appeal- USA, Jeffrey H. Wood and Vanessa Boyd Willard
USA's Response to Idaho and other Objectors, Jeffrey H. Wood and Vanessa Boyd Willard
USA Reply Brief to State and Other Objectors, Jeffry H. Wood and Vanessa Boyd Willard
Submissions from 2016
Declaration of P. Arrington, Paul L. Arrington
Hecla's Memo in Support for Mtn SJ, Albert P. Barker and Paul L. Arrington
Hecla's Mtn for SJ, Albert P. Barker and Paul L. Arrington
USA-CDAT Joint Mtn SJ, John C. Cruden and Vanessa Boyd Willard
USA Memo in Support of Mtn SJ, John C. Cruden and Vanessa Boyd Willard
USA-CDAT Joint Statement of Facts, John C. Cruden, Vanessa Boyd Willard, and Howard A. Funke
CDAT's Joinder in US's Motion for SJ, Howard A. Funke
CDAT's Memo in Support for Mtn SJ, Howard Funke and Dylan R. Hedden-Nicely
Affidavit from R. Hart, Richard Hart
Exhibit 6 Part 1 from R. Hart, Richard Hart
Exhibit 6 Part 2 from R. Hart, Richard Hart
Exhibit 6 Part 3 from R. Hart, Richard Hart
Exhibit 6 Part 4 from R. Hart, Richard Hart
Exhibit 7 from R. Hart, Richard Hart
Exhibits 1-5 from R. Hart, Richard Hart
Affidavit of C. Matheson, Cajetan Matheson
Affidavit of J. McFaddin, John T. McFaddin
J. McFaddin's Response to Idaho's Mtn SJ, John T. McFaddin
J. McFaddin's Response to the USA-CDAT Joint Mtn SJ, John T. McFaddin
Affidavit of D. Riser, Dudley W. Reiser
Affidavit of N. Semanko, Norman M. Semanko
Exhibit F Part 1 from N. Semanko, Norman M. Semanko
Exhibit F Part 2 from N. Semanko, Norman M. Semanko
Exhibits A-E from N. Semanko, Norman M. Semanko
Exhibits G-H from N. Semanko, Norman M. Semanko
NIWRG's Memo in Support for Mtn SJ, Norman M. Semanko and Sarah A. McCormack
NIWRG's Mtn SJ, Norman M. Semanko and Sarah A. McCormack
Affidavit of I. Smith, Ian Smith
Affidavit from S. Strack, Steven W. Strack
Affidavit of S. Strack (2nd), Steven W. Strack
Exhibits 1-11 from S. Strack, Steven W. Strack
Exhibits 12-23 from S. Strack, Steven W. Strack
Idaho's Memo in Support for Mtn SJ, Steven W. Strack
Idaho's Mtn SJ, Steven W. Strack
Errata Idaho's Memo in Support for Mtn SJ, Lawrence Wadsen, Clive J. Strong, and Steven W. Strack
Affidavit of V. Willard, Vanessa Boyd Willard
Submissions from 2015
Order Bifurcating Proceedings, Eric J. Wildman
Order Consolidating Subcases, Eric J. Wildman