Submissions from 2014
Around the World of Securities Fraud in Eighty Motions to Dismiss, Wendy Gerwick Couture
Securities Regulation of Alternative Litigation Finance, Wendy Gerwick Couture
The Collision Between the First Amendment and Securities Fraud, Wendy Gerwick Couture
The PSLRA Discovery Stay Meets Complex Litigation: Five Questions Answered, Wendy Gerwick Couture
Cruel and Invisible Punishment: Redeeming the Counter-Majoritarian Eighth Amendment, Aliza Plener Cover
Fifteen Years and Growing Strong: The Annual AALL Children's Book Drive, Stacy Etheredge
Coeur d'Alene Tribe's Claims in the Coeur d'Alene-Spokane River Basin Adjudication, Dylan R. Hedden-Nicely
Coeur d'Alene Tribe's Enduring Relation to Water -- A Legal History, Dylan R. Hedden-Nicely
Shattering the One-Way Mirror: Discovery in Immigration Court, Geoffrey Heeren
Codifying and Miscodifying Judicial Anti-Abuse Tax Doctrines, Linda Jellum
Judge Wald and Justice Scalia Dance the Chevron Two-Step, Linda Jellum
Remedial and Preventive Responses to the Unauthorized Practice of Immigration Law, Monique C. Lillard
Symposium Introduction: Resilient Cities: Environment, Economy, Equity, Stephen R. Miller
Symposium Introduction: Resilient Cities: Environment, Economy, Equity, Stephen R. Miller
Three Legal Approaches to Rural Economic Development, Stephen R. Miller
Prospects for the Rule of Law in South Sudan, David Pimentel
Does the Whistleblower Protection Act Protect a TSA Employee Who Revealed Which Commercial Flights Would Lack Air Marshals?, Richard Henry Seamon
The U.S. Supreme Court Sidetracks Idaho Implied Consent Law, Richard Henry Seamon
Submissions from 2013
Legitimacy, Adaptation and Resilience in Ecosystem Management, Barbara Cosens
Resilience in Transboundary Water Governance: The Okavango River Basin, Barbara Cosens
Idahoans Aren't Getting the Legal Help They Need, Patrick D. Costello
Criminal Securities Fraud and the Lower Materiality Standard, Wendy Gerwick Couture
Opinions Actionable as Securities Fraud, Wendy Gerwick Couture
Securities Regulation as Gap-Filler: The Example of Hydraulic Fracturing, Wendy Gerwick Couture
To Verb or Not to Verb, Jason G. Dykstra
New Priorities as the Endangered Species Act Turns 40, Dale Goble
Uncertainty in Population Estimates for Endangered Animals and Improving the Recovery Process, Dale D. Goble
Gauging the Success of the Coeur D'Alene Lake Management Plan: An Example of Tribal-State Cooperation, Dylan R. Hedden-Nicely
Persons Who are Not the People: The Changing Rights of Immigrants in the United States, Geoffrey Heeren
A Textualist Approach to Purposivism in the Regulatory Arena, Linda Jellum
The Judicial Role in New Democracies: A Strategic Account of Comparative Citation, Johanna Kalb
Criminal Mediation Has Taken Root in Idaho's Courts, Maureen Laflin
Local Flood Control: Using Idaho's Flood Control District Statute to Enable Place-Based Stream Restoration, Jerrold A. Long
Preserving Wealth and Inheritance Through Medicaid Planning for Long-Term Care, John A. Miller
Wealth Transfer Tax Planning for 2013 and Beyond, John A. Miller
Field Notes from Starting a Law School Clinic, Stephen R. Miller
Legal Neighborhoods, Stephen R. Miller
The Visual and the Law of Cities, Stephen R. Miller
Rethinking Sustainability to Meet the Climate Change Challenge, Stephen R. Miller, Michael Burger, Elizabeth Burleson, Rebecca M. Bratspies, Robin Kundis Craig, David M. Driesen, Alexandra R. Harrington, Keith H. Hirokawa, Sarah Krakoff, Katrina Fischer Kuh, Jessica Owley, Patrick Parenteau, Melissa Powers, Shannon M. Roesler, and Jonathan Rosenbloom
Judicial Independence in Postconflict Iraq: Establishing the Rule of Law in an Islamic Constitutional Democracy, David Pimentel
The Widening Maturity Gap: Trying and Punishing Juveniles as Adults in an Era of Extended Adolescence, David Pimentel
Back to the Future: The In Loco Parentis Doctrine and its Impact on Whether K-12 Schools and Teachers Owe a Fiduciary Duty to Students, John E. Rumel
Achieving Regulatory Reform by Encouraging Consensus, Richard Henry Seamon
Submissions from 2012
Resilience and Law as a Theoretical Backdrop for Natural Resource Management: Flood Management in the Columbia River Basin, Barbara Cosens
Resilience and Water Governance: Adaptive Governance in the Columbia River Basin, Barbara Cosens
The Falsity-Scienter Inference, Wendy Gerwick Couture
Almost, But Not Quite, Entirely Unlike Libraries: Academic Law Librarians Enter the World of Archives, Stacy Etheredge
Frederick Hicks: The Man Behind Men and Books, Stacy Etheredge
A State-Based National Network for Effective Wildlife Conservation, Dale Goble
Conservation Reliant-Species, Dale Goble
Reflections of Women in Legal Education: Stories from Four Decades of Section Chairs, Linda Jellum
The Impact of the Rise and Fall of Chevron on the Executive's Power to Make and Interpret Law, Linda Jellum
Too Rough a Justice: The Ethiopia-Eritrea Claims Commission and Civil Liability for Claims for Rape under International Law, Ryan S. Lincoln
Overcoming Neoliberal Hegemony in Community Development: Law, Planning, and Selected Lamarckism, Jerrold A. Long
Waiting for Hohfeld: Property Rights, Property Privileges, and the Physical Consequences of Word Choice, Jerrold A. Long
The Death Penalty and the Mentally Ill: A Selected and Annotated Bibliography, Jean Mattimoe
No Justice in Utah's Justice Courts: Constitutional Issues, Systemic Problems, and the Failure to Protect Defendants in Utah's Infamous Local Courts, Samuel P. Newton
Criminal Child Neglect and the Free Range Kid: Is Overprotective Parenting the New Standard of Care?, David Pimentel
Forfeitures Revisited: Bringing Principle to Practice in Federal Court, David Pimentel
Submissions from 2011
Sustainable Water Resource Management and Participatory System Dynamics: Case Study: Developing the Palouse Basin Participatory Model, Barbara Cosens
Mixed Statements: The Safe Harbor's Rocky Shore, Wendy Gerwick Couture
Price Fraud, Wendy Gerwick Couture
The Evolutionary Biology of Fungi and Fraud, Wendy Gerwick Couture
Warning: Your LCC Interest Might Be a Security, Wendy Gerwick Couture
Illegal Aid: Legal Assistance to Immigrants in the United States, Geoffrey Heeren
But That is Absurd! Why Specific Absurdity Undermines Textualism, Linda Jellum
The Appellate Review Model of Agency Adjudications, Linda Jellum
The United States Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims: Has it Mastered Chevron's Step Zero?, Linda Jellum
Human Rights Treaties in State Courts: The International Prospects of State Constitutionalism After Medellin, Johanna Kalb
Oklahoma and Beyond: Understanding the Wave of State Anti-Transnational Law Initiatives, Johanna Kalb
The Persistence of Dualism in Human Rights Treaty Implementation, Johanna Kalb
Interdisciplinary Methods in Water Resources, Maureen Laflin and Barbara Cosens
Contextualizing Sexual Violence Committed During the War on Terror: A Historical Overview of International Accountability, Ryan S. Lincoln
Rule of Law For Whom? Strengthening Rule of Law as a Solution to Sexual Violence in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Ryan S. Lincoln
Private Lands, Conflict, and Institutional Evolution in the Post-Public-Lands West, Jerrold A. Long
Fundamentals of Wealth Transfer Tax Planning, John A. Miller
Judicial Independence at the Crossroads: Grappling with Ideology and History in the New Nepali Constitution, David Pimentel
Legal Pluralism in Post-Colonial Africa: Linking Statutory and Customary Adjudication in Mozambique, David Pimentel
Submissions from 2010
Iqbal, Twombly, and the Expected Cost of False Positive Error, Mark Anderson
Law Clerking: My Favorite Year, Donald L. Burnett Jr.
Energy Independence: Challenges Facing the West in Adopting Alternative and Renewable Energy Sources, Barbara Cosens
Evolution of the Policies Surrounding Ground and Surface Water Management in the West, Barbara Cosens
Transboundary River Governance in the Face of Uncertainty: Resilience Theory and the Columbia River Treaty, Barbara Cosens
Reminiscence on the 1984 Swan Falls Water Rights Negotiations, Patrick D. Costello
Conley v. Gibson's "No Set of Facts" Test: Neither Cancer Nor Cure, Wendy Gerwick Couture
A Fish Tale: A Small Fish, the ESA, and Our Shared Future, Dale Goble
Conservation-Reliant Species and the Future of Conservation, Dale Goble
New Developments for Conjunctive Management in Idaho: Why Our Expanding Understanding of Science Should Expand How We Address the Doctrine Against Waste in Idaho Water Right Transfers, Dylan R. Hedden-Nicely
Pulling Teeth: The State of Mandatory Immigration Detention, Geoffrey Heeren
Jettisoning Chevron, Linda Jellum
Neither Fish Nor Fowl: Administrative Judges in the Modern Administrative State, Linda Jellum
Dynamic Federalism in Human Rights Treaty Implementation, Johanna Kalb
Litigating Dignity: A Human Rights Framework, Johanna Kalb
To Proceed with Caution? Aiding and Abetting Liability Under the Alien Tort Statute, Ryan S. Lincoln
Realizing the Abstraction: Using Today's Law to Reach Tomorrow's Sustainability, Jerrold A. Long